Strimathon, Free Beer & Pizza!

National Spring Clean: Balrothery Strimathon


As part of this month’s National Spring Clean three of Balrothery’s local businesses are coming together to support a Stimathon.  The Balrothery Inn, Andrews Spar & Apache Pizza are calling for volunteers to come out Sunday April 17th, bring your stimmers, clippers, shears or secateurs.

Together we are going to fix up the bank along the main road and prepare the ground for some new planting.   Only a couple of hours work and then back to the Balrothery Inn for a couple of free beers & Pizza. See below for the ‘Before Photos’.

A bit of craic and helping our Balrothery Tidy Village committee who are delighted with this initiative and hope many more local business and organisations will come up with ingenious projects like this. We are always open to new initiatives and offers of support and can be contacted at [email protected] .


Volunteers needed to tidy up main Road verge, bring your own equipment.  Adults Only

April 17th 1.30pm. Meet Balrothery inn Carpark

Free Beer & Pizza, Back in time for The Match!

Sponsored By Andrews Spar, Apache Pizza & Balrothery Inn

Contact Balrothery Inn for Details 01 8412252



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